Post Six, Chapter Seventeen.
In Chapter 17, Malcolm X has decided that he want to visit Mecca. Ella has no problem supporting him and get him what he needs. She also withdrawn from the Nation of Islam to follow Malcolm and she didn't agree with what they did. Malcolm tried to get a hajj visa but he quickly learned that since he is a muslim he would have to be advised by Mahmond Youssef Shawarbi, a Muslim United Nations advisor. But Malcom get to leave the united states and goes to Cairo. He then flies to Jedda, Saudi Arabia and the high court doesn't believe that he is a Muslim so they decided whether or not he is. He runs into many different Muslims. Omar Azzam comes to help Malcolm out. Everyone is so generous to Malcolm and lent him a car to get to Mecca. Malcolm wrote a letter back home telling Ella that he has changed his views on racial problems in the United States. He meets a white-skinned Islamic people and who isn't raciest. He changes his name to "El-Haj Malik El-Shabazz."
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